CARBIDS | Australia's trusted home of unique online car auctions

How It Works

To participate in the auction, you will need to complete 3 simple steps

Register and verify ID

It costs nothing to register and place bids with CARBIDS

Before you can start bidding, you will need to register an account and have a valid mobile phone number. We will send you a code via text message to the nominated mobile phone and you will have to verify the code.

You will also be required to verify your ID before you can start bidding on cars / motor vehicles. Please follow the prompt on the website.

Make a deposit and nominate a card

To keep CARBIDS as Australia's most trusted online marketplace, we require you to place an initial refundable deposit of $500 before you can place a bid.

This deposit amount remains in your account until you make a purchase.

If you are unsuccessful and you no longer wish to bid on CARBIDS, you may request to refund the entire deposit by clicking on the Refund Deposit button on the Transaction History page at any time or by contacting our friendly admin team.

You will also have to nominate a credit card to be used for the final bid deposit (click here for more information).

We do this to ensure that only legitimate bidders bid on our platform, which means that you are only bidding against other legitimate bidders

Make a bid and pay once you have won

Place your bid on the item and watch it to ensure you win.

Once you have won the item, the full amount outstanding will be the final bid amount plus buyer's premium.

You will have to pay the full amount outstanding, minus the deposit initially paid.

Simply make a payment through the platform and arrange collection.

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